Helping Run a Painting Company from Home – While Parenting

Operations Manager Ryan Munn and his daughter working from home during Covid-19.
Operations Manager Ryan Munn and his daughter working from home during Covid-19.

By Ryan Munn

There are a lot of new situations I’ve found myself in while both my wife and I work from home with our two children, ages five and two.  For the most part over the last three weeks, we’ve been able to juggle each other’s conference calls and take turns watching the kids while trying to stay productive and focused.  

The “mute” function on our phones is a much-used feature as our 2-year-old is quite unpredictable.  We definitely have to be strategic and get creative.  Sometimes we’ll jump on the computer before they’re up or stay on a little later to finish something if there were extra distractions during the day.  For the most part we make it work! 

There are a lot of times we just need to occupy their time, so I don’t feel like I’m a better parent for it. We’re doing the best we can and try not to beat ourselves up over it too much. We try to have them do different things like play with playdough, color, practice writing, but their go to is the iPad. Aiden will play on the iPad and watch YouTube videos all day if we let him! He’s definitely getting more screen time during the week, but on the weekend that gets squashed. We’ll go out for a walk, have the kids ride scooters, and play games with them.

There are a lot of positives too.  For one letting the kids sleep in instead of dragging them out of bed to go rush off to daycare.  I’ve enjoyed having the kids come downstairs and give me hugs every morning and they really love being in their PJ’s 24/7.  

We have a little more quality time with them but not a lot. During lunch one day, we planted sunflower seeds, and the other day they sprouted. Another day we made gingerbread men that were left over from a Christmas project that never saw the light of day.  Needless to say, the kids are enjoying more time around Mom and Dad too.

“During lunch one day, we planted sunflower seeds, and the other day they sprouted.”

I know there are so many people that don’t have this freedom and are either on the front lines helping the sick, or supporting the economy during this difficult time, or even worse are out of a job.  I feel very fortunate to be in my position and hope things get back to normal sooner rather than later.  

I’m gardening as my stress reliever, though it’s not too much different from every other Spring season. Although I might actually kill my plants from over-watering and giving them too much attention!

Here’s hoping everyone stays safe and that we all pull through this together. 

Colors that will sell your home (or make you want to stay)

Color can make a difference for a buyer who is “on the fence.” We excerpted (below) a great magazine article about this.
Even if you’re not selling in the near future, here are some trending color choices for you to consider:
The Power of Color
Sue Wadden, director of color marketing at Sherwin-Williams, is intimately aware of the power of color.
Wadden says the definition of neutral is changing, and “drawing inspiration from the earth and sky with deep, rich tones like putty, clay, shell, sun and water. Bright golds are optimistic, yet the shift in beige moves away from warmer, yellow-based tones to brown-based grays.  These natural influences feel fresh and modern, while remaining neutral and functional throughout the seasons.”
Jessamy Tsoris, a Milwaukee-based color consultant and owner of Color Zen, equates dressing a home for sale much like you would prepare for an important job interview. “You should always wear a color that’s powerful, flattering, and typically classic,” Tsoris said.
“For your home, it’s less about selecting the neutral everyone is blogging about and more about what truly complements the home’s unique lighting and surfaces, especially wood tones. Generally, light, bright and airy neutrals leaning gray and/or coastal are popular at the moment. You want the home to look as modern as possible.”


“White trim–that’s a big one,” she said.  “Many people are painting unfavorable wood and ceilings white.  It’s instant happiness.  Other colors that are popular–shades of blue, from powder to green/blue/gray to navy.  Taupe as well.  Taupe weaves through all of the grays and I think we will see it a lot in the next several years in a very soft, organic way.
To get more great insights about color — click below:

InPaint Color Article with Highlights

Used with permission from

DIY Staging Your Home for the Spring Market

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Make Your House a Realtor’s Dream By Following These Low-Cost DIY Tips!

First impressions are everything when it comes to selling your home. Do these minor repairs and improvements and make a world of difference!

1.  Paint your front door and trim for a great first impression. An accent color can make a big splash!
2.  Paint one accent wall in a room that needs some personality.
3.  Caulk and grout your bathroom where needed.
4.  Replace any rusted or worn light fixtures or fans.

5.  Upgrade light switch plates, doorknobs or other hardware that shows wear.

Green tip: re-using is recycling! Donate your household items. The Vietnam Veterans of American offer curb-side pick-up. Call 1-800-775-VETS or visit

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Add space and beauty simply by following these three rules:spring flowers 2
1.  Declutter by putting mail in an attractive basket. Minimize your knick-nacks.
2.  Put a tall vase of flowers on the kitchen table. Height creates a feeling of elevation. Yellow is a luminous spring color and is associated with happiness and optimism!
3.  Lighten a dark room with a neutral or light-tint paint. Add personality and splashes of bright color using a fun set of pillows, vases of flowers, or a new accent rug.

Why We LOVE the Shop Local Movement & Why You Should, Too!

Greenleaf Painters is in its 10th year of operating as a successful, local and independent business. Serving the community around us is our thing. When local businesses gathered together to create the Independent Business Alliance (IBA) last year— part of the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce—we got super excited!

IBA is part of a larger, national movement to “Shop Local.”

Why does shopping local matter? Check this out from IBA’s website:

—For every $100 spent, a locally-owned independent business generates $68 in local economic activity. 

Each dollar you spend at independent businesses returns three times more money to your local economy than one spent on the Internet.

—If the people of an average American city were to shift 10% of their spending to local, independent businesses, it would bring an additional $235 million per year to the community’s economy.


Greenleaf’s roots are in the West Windsor / Princeton Junction community, where owner Jonathan Shenk lives with his wife and son. Word of mouth by people we’ve done work for in the region (and online) has been the fuel for our growth. This summer, we have been able to employ 20 people, including our managers and local craftsmen. All of these employees are local and participate in the local economy.

In addition, we give business to painting suppliers locally, as well as other contractors in the area. These are also employers and participants in the local economy. So you see how it can work!

As a member of IBA, we have had the pleasure of getting to know many Independent business owners. We work directly with some and simply commend others because of their values and work ethic. A handful of these include:

Rees Powell Custom Floors, owned by Rees Powell

Real Possibilities, owned by Rose Fisher,

Asenka Interactive, owned by Brian Hasenkamp,

StimulusBrand, owned by Tom McManimon,

A Stitch Ahead, Frank Mangee

Allegra Printing, Maurice Galimidi

Madani Interiors, Linda Madani

Shenk has been on the Ambassador committee of the Princeton Chamber of Commerce since 2013 and is now on the IBA Regional Planning Committee which organizes events. Shenk’s participation in the Chamber has helped to increase awareness of our presence in the community and thus accelerate our growth. We have a lot of faith that the IBA will contribute to this kind of growth for others–and by extension the entire region.

Shout out to Local Businesses! 

If you are a local business and are interested in joining in, the next IBA event will be “10 Best Practices for Growing Your Business,” held September 25, 7:30 AM TO 9:30 AM, with Jeff Dorman of JDA International Leadership. Visit for details and registration.

Protect and Beautify Your Home as You Welcome Spring!

japanese flower
We are just as excited as you are that Spring has finally arrived!  Spring time is full of so many wonderful things such as longer periods of daylight, the blooming of plants and trees, and of course there’s Spring repair and cleaning.  Now you may cringe at those two words but as you know, protecting and repairing your home keeps it looking beautiful and in great shape.
And we’re here to make your life easier!  Firstly, we have an outdoor checklist to help keep you on track.  Secondly, we have some tips and strategies to make the cleaning process more streamlined and manageable. So let’s get started!
Outdoor Springtime Checklist
  • Tour house and exterior grounds.  Make a list of any needed maintenance.
  • Sweep porches and walkways
  • Wash siding, thresholds, and exterior doors.  It may simply work with a garden hose and a deck brush.  For the best results, we recommend power washing.
  • Clean or replace welcome mat.
  • Inspect, clean, and repair outdoor furniture.
  • Inspect light fixtures: wash covers and check for damaged wires and connections.
  • Clear away any dead foliage and weeds from beds and lawn.
  • Inspect the roof for winter damage: leaks, missing or broken shingles or tiles.  If you don’t have access, we recommend contacting your local roofer for inspection.
  • Scrape, prime, and paint any peeling spots on trim or woodwork.  You’ll not only be making a difference cosmetically but also protecting the wood from damage due to changing temperatures and moisture.
  • Identify any rotting wood trim or siding and have it removed and replaced before it becomes a bigger issue.
  • Begin your landscaping projects while it’s cooler and the soil is damp and pliable.  Trees, plants, and shrubs make a huge difference in adding curb appeal.
  • Lastly, remember to have fun doing it.  The outside of your home is there to protect you year round so it’s always a good idea to inspect, repair, and clean your biggest asset.
Spring Cleaning Strategies
1. Make a list– this will save time so you can keep the ball rolling.

2. Assemble a team–  If your family is willing and able, get them to work with you as a team.  And there’s always your friends.

3. Gather your supplies – Spend the week before spring cleaning begins gathering up the supplies you’ll need. 

4. Plan ahead for time-consuming tasks– If you’re planning any time-consuming tasks, set aside extra time outside of your actual spring cleaning schedule.

5. Focus on one task at a time – Simply put.

6. Recognize your progress – A large list is daunting but once you begin to see things crossed out you’ll feel you’re making a dent.

7. Be realistic – hard work takes time, but know that the satisfaction from a job well done is around the corner.

8. Take breaks – You’re not a machine, and everyone deserves a break.

9. Prepare snacks and meals ahead of time – Refuel without creating even more work for yourself.  Think of easily put-together meals.

10. Get ready to jam – Remember to have fun, so make that I-tunes playlist or break out those vinyl records.  Music keeps you moving!