Helping Run a Painting Company from Home – While Parenting

Operations Manager Ryan Munn and his daughter working from home during Covid-19.
Operations Manager Ryan Munn and his daughter working from home during Covid-19.

By Ryan Munn

There are a lot of new situations I’ve found myself in while both my wife and I work from home with our two children, ages five and two.  For the most part over the last three weeks, we’ve been able to juggle each other’s conference calls and take turns watching the kids while trying to stay productive and focused.  

The “mute” function on our phones is a much-used feature as our 2-year-old is quite unpredictable.  We definitely have to be strategic and get creative.  Sometimes we’ll jump on the computer before they’re up or stay on a little later to finish something if there were extra distractions during the day.  For the most part we make it work! 

There are a lot of times we just need to occupy their time, so I don’t feel like I’m a better parent for it. We’re doing the best we can and try not to beat ourselves up over it too much. We try to have them do different things like play with playdough, color, practice writing, but their go to is the iPad. Aiden will play on the iPad and watch YouTube videos all day if we let him! He’s definitely getting more screen time during the week, but on the weekend that gets squashed. We’ll go out for a walk, have the kids ride scooters, and play games with them.

There are a lot of positives too.  For one letting the kids sleep in instead of dragging them out of bed to go rush off to daycare.  I’ve enjoyed having the kids come downstairs and give me hugs every morning and they really love being in their PJ’s 24/7.  

We have a little more quality time with them but not a lot. During lunch one day, we planted sunflower seeds, and the other day they sprouted. Another day we made gingerbread men that were left over from a Christmas project that never saw the light of day.  Needless to say, the kids are enjoying more time around Mom and Dad too.

“During lunch one day, we planted sunflower seeds, and the other day they sprouted.”

I know there are so many people that don’t have this freedom and are either on the front lines helping the sick, or supporting the economy during this difficult time, or even worse are out of a job.  I feel very fortunate to be in my position and hope things get back to normal sooner rather than later.  

I’m gardening as my stress reliever, though it’s not too much different from every other Spring season. Although I might actually kill my plants from over-watering and giving them too much attention!

Here’s hoping everyone stays safe and that we all pull through this together. 

Come See Us March 18 at the Mercer Greenfest!

Bring your kids and learn about how to care for your local ecosystem! Learn who and what is eco-friendly — and where you can shop local to make a difference.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

11 am – 4 pm

Rider University Student Recreation Center

2083 Lawrenceville Rd., Lawrenceville, NJ

For more info, visit

Please stop by and say hi!
Here is our pic from last year — Jonathan Shenk, owner, and son, Gabriel Yoder Shenk.

Version 2

Check out our first ever video about Greenleaf Painters

We are super excited for you to see our new video!

It’s our first attempt at discussing Greenleaf Painters on video. Thankfully, we had professional help, including our operations manager, Ryan Munn, who happened to major in film in college. Thanks to Ryan for amassing all the great pics from our extensive library — and suggesting edits to the final version.

Check it out!

Here is the link –> Greenleaf Painters Video 

Do you have content you’d like to see us discuss in a video? How to choose the best eco-friendly paint? How to cover nail pops or how choose the best paint color for your walls?

We realize video is becoming a very popular form of communication. Let us know what you want to learn about. We might just use your idea in the future!

Here are a couple of still shots from the video:

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Owner Jonathan Shenk Shares Greenleaf’s “Sustainable” Practices at Forum

Jonathan Shenk, owner of Greenleaf, shared our company’s environmental, or “green,” initiatives at “Creating Sustainable Businesses in New Jersey,” a forum held at the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) headquarters in Trenton last Tuesday.

We are proud to share with you these “green” practices and initiatives from his talk.

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“From our inception we have educated customers and advocated for the use of ‘green,’ environmentally-sound paint products. This emphasis is noted in our name choice.

Nine years ago, these paints were harder to find, they were more expensive, more difficult to use, and offered lower performance and quality. Now every brand markets green paints and are phasing out their regular paints. The prices are now competitive and the quality is excellent.

Another important sustainable practice for a painting company is the safe disposal of paint products:

+ Paint thinners and oil paints must be disposed through hazardous waste collections. We recycle most of our paint thinner through a step-by-step filtering process.

+ Latex paints need to be mixed with a hardener before disposal.

We have recently started offering a service to customers where we will dispose of their old paint cans piling up in their basements. 

We also can sometimes find alternatives to disposing of unwanted latex paints: we can donate full gallons to Habitat for Humanity’s Re-store and sometimes our own painters are happy to round up excess paints for their side projects.

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There are several other things we do which are not unique to a painting company: 

+ We have several paperless practices: we communicate internally through dropbox. Our managers can access work site forms and job calendars on dropbox.

+ We are also beginning to shift our bill payments to be done exclusively online so no hard copies need to be printed out.

+We recycle our paper and plastic. 

+We conserve on energy by keeping office temperatures low during the cold season and opening doors for fresh air during the warm season. Turning out lights in rooms we are not working in.

We were pleased to see NJ take this initiative to support and promote sustainable business practices. We’re happy to be involved in this initiative and to connect and network with other like-minded businesses and people.”

Jonathan was invited to speak at the forum as a member of the New Jersey Sustainable Business Registry, which promotes sustainability planning and practices among New Jersey businesses. The welcome was given by Bob Marshall, Assistant Commissioner, DEP Sustainability and Green Energy (SAGE).

It’s So Easy Being Green

kermitRemember Kermit the Frog’s song? “Green” has a whole new meaning now, and it IS easy being green! Since earth-friendly practices are important to us, we participated in the launch of The New Jersey Sustainable Business Registry. It’s a directory of businesses that do what they can to recycle, treat waste appropriately, keep electricity use down, use eco-friendly materials, among many other practices. We are proud to be a part of this registry to highlight the importance of businesses being green–to serve our community and prosper without harming our delicate eco-system.

Since the founding of Greenleaf Painters, we’ve offered green paint options. Green, or low-VOC paints, are good for the earth AND for people. We highly recommend using these paints in your whole house, but especially places like nurseries or other bedrooms,

But promoting these paint options is not all Greenleaf does. We strive to be as green as possible in all of our practices: recycling, waste disposal, cleaners we choose for the office, and electrical usage.  Read more about Greenleaf green practices on the new registry, at

In other completely unrelated news, Kermit the Frog took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge yesterday.

(Photo courtesy of Disney)