Knowing When it’s Time to Have Your House Exterior Repainted



Your home is more than just a dwelling, it’s a reflection of your style and personality. However, the color may fade over time or the exterior could endure some natural wear and tear, which should be corrected to prevent further deterioration.

Professional painters can make a huge difference with providing the necessary updates and repairs to ensure that your home is properly cared for. At Greenleaf Painters, we’re happy to provide some suggestions for when it’s time to have your home repainted.

Look for Signs of Damage & Wear

Paint is designed to last for many years but it’s not impervious to the elements. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause it to fade and lose its bold hue. Moisture can also have a negative effect that results in the paint bubbling, peeling, or even cracking. If you notice these signs, it may be time to enlist the help of a professional painting company to help preserve your home and restore your home’s aesthetics.

Damaged Paint or Wood

The surface that is getting painted is just as important as the paint itself. Whether the siding is dirty, there’s a buildup of mold, or the wood is beginning to rot or delaminate, a professional painter can spot these issues. Greenleaf Painters has professional carpenters on staff so we can repair or replace rotten wood.

New Renovations or Installation

Having renovations and remodeling done can be exciting and allow you to get more out of your home based on your wants and needs. A perfect complement to these renovations is an updated color or a fresh coat to embolden the look of your home’s exterior. Why not express your style through color?

Wanting Something New

You may be dissatisfied with the original color of your home and are looking to make some changes. It can be an exciting endeavor while working with a professional painter to review your color options to determine the best look for your home.

Moving in or Moving Out

For your new home, updating the color can be your first step in making it feel like your own.

If you’re getting ready to put your home on the market, fixing cracks and nail pops and applying a fresh coat of paint can do wonders for the first impression your house is making on prospective buyers. And this will increase the value of your home.

If you’re weighing the options and considering giving your home a fresh look with a new vibrant color, or simply updating the current one, the team at Greenleaf Painters is here to help.


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